A few months back, I converted my website from Ember.js to Nuxt.js. I did this mostly to try something new out, just for fun, but as I used it more and more, I found Nuxt really had some advantages over Ember, at least for this site in particular. I wrote some of my findings in a blog post comparing Ember.js to Nuxt.js, but I wanted to apply some of these things to a post for my desires for the Ember 2019 roadmap as well.

Automagic Modern Web Apps

One of the things I have always loved about Ember, is its magic. For the most part, you can run ember s and things “just work”. You do not have to spend hours customizing webpack or rollup, choosing a routing library, or figuring out how to structure your project. This was great, for many years, but other frameworks have caught up now, and the breadth of things a new web app should support, out of the box, has increased significantly.

There are several addons for adding modern web app features like ember-service-worker, which allows you to add service workers to your app easily, and prember, which allows you to statically generate your Ember app, but these addons are not maintained by the Ember Core Team, so there is no guarantee they will continue to work or play nicely together. I would like to see Ember support many of these features, in the framework itself.

Things we should support in Ember.js out of the box:

  1. PWA
  2. SSR / SPA / Static
  3. HTML Head
  4. Code Splitting and Tree Shaking


ember-service-worker could be added by default or similar functionality could be baked into the Ember codebase itself. We could then support various types of service workers. For SPA mode, we would use the default ember-service-worker-index, which would cache the single index.html for the app, but for static sites, generated with Prember, we would need to cache a separate html file per route. This can be accomplished by using ember-service-worker-prember, although the cache busting does still need some work.

SSR / SPA / Static

The default mode, for an Ember app out of the box, is to be a single page application. Server side rendering is supported, via ember-cli-fastboot, and while fastboot does have core team support, it is still a separate addon to install. Static apps are supported via Prember, which was written by Ed Faulkner, an Ember Core Team member, but it is not officially supported by the core team.

I would like to see all three rendering modes supported out of the box, and configurable via ember-cli-build.js. This would both guarantee buy in and future support from the core team, as well as make it easier to choose a rendering mode via a simple config, without the need for installing more addons.


One major thing modern web apps need, is the ability to define head data. This allows you to do things like set opengraph tags per page, to allow for rich previews of your website when posting on social media, and to set various meta which helps with SEO. Currently, addons like ember-meta allow you to set these values.

It would be convenient if Ember allowed setting head data from the route. We could provide a head() hook, in which you could return an object to set the data for the page. Something like:

head() {
  return {
    title: 'Page Title',
    meta: [
        name: 'description',
        content: 'Page description here'

Code Splitting and Tree Shaking

Code splitting and tree shaking have been in the works for several years in Ember. There were a few somewhat working implementations, but ultimately, they were abandoned. Ember’s unique architecture makes allowing for code splitting and tree shaking hard, but we really should prioritize this work. Ember is one of the largest JS frameworks, so when working on small apps or websites, being able to tree shake out the parts of the framework, you are not using, would go a long way in reducing the overall payload.


Ember Inspector has come a long way, since we started working on it in February of 2018, but it still has a long way to go. We redesigned a few things, removed some cruft, and started working toward supporting Octane, but Ember Inspector could still really use a full redesign, and should incorporate many of the long requested features, as well as pull in anything that would be nice to have from Vue and React DevTools.

Improvements for Ember Inspector:

  1. New APIs for Ember Inspector
  2. Modernize Design
  3. Make Configurable

New APIs for Ember Inspector

Ember Inspector uses a lot of private APIs, and many specific version checks to coax the data needed out of Ember, so we can display it. There has been a lot of discussion about providing public APIs for components. These new APIs would tell Inspector all about the component, its arguments, etc. This would both allow us to remove some of the private API usage and ensure we continue to get all the data we need, long term, since it would be public, supported API.

Modernize Design

We have been slowly redesigning Ember Inspector to make things more modern, but there is still more to do. We should redesign the whole thing, from the top down, to match the new look and feel of Ember, and the Ember website design. This will give us one cohesive look and feel for all things Ember and increase brand cohesiveness.

Make Configurable

Ember Inspector currently offers no way to configure features. We could allow configuration for things like hiding or showing only the tabs you are interested in, switching the layout from tabs on the left to tabs on the top, toggling dark vs light mode, and many other potentially configurable things.


I am very excited for the future of Ember! We continue to iterate towards aligning with modern concepts, while still staying true to the heart and soul of Ember. If we can align things, in the framework, with the needs of modern web apps, and support first class tooling around the developer experience, we can solidify ourselves as both leaders in stability without stagnation, and trailblazers pushing the limits on what web apps can do.