It has been a long time goal of mine to move my blog off of Ghost and host it myself here. I loved using Ghost and could never bring myself to make the switch, but finally decided to take the plunge.
I originally got the inspiration for using Prember from Chris Manson (@mansona) from Stone Circle, who was actively working on improving several of the Ember learning sites, like the official Ember guides and getting them to run as static sites with Prember. Having been looking for a way to use markdown to statically render my blog, I was intrigued by this possibility, and set out to implement it for the Ship Shape blog.
I needed a few things to make this seamless. Let’s break down the steps.
- Markdown Support
- Displaying Formatted Markdown and Code Syntax Highlighting
- Prember Route Generation
Markdown Support
I knew Chris had been working on broccoli-static-site-json, and his own out of the box Ghost replacement ember-casper-template, which I intend to explore further, and potentially switch to, but wanted to document my initial approach first.
I ended up using
to pull in my markdown, from my app/blog
folder. The installation was a simple
ember install
ember install ember-cli-markdown-resolver
I then had to simply tell it the folder my markdown was in.
// config/environment.js
ENV['ember-cli-markdown-resolver'] = {
folders: {
blog: 'app/blog'
Then I needed routes for both the blog index
, to show the links to the posts,
and a post
route to display the posts themselves.
ember g route blog/index
ember g route blog/post
I then configured these routes in router.js
// router.js
this.route('blog', function () {
this.route('post', { path: '/*path/' });
I then had to set up model
hook to load the list of posts in the index.
// routes/blog/index.js
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
export default Route.extend({
markdownResolver: service(),
model() {
return this.markdownResolver.tree('blog').then((tree) => {
return new RSVP.Promise((resolve) => {
const sortedPosts = tree.files.sortBy('').reverse();
Once we had the list of posts, we needed to make sure each post route would load the content for that individual post.
// routes/blog/post.js
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
export default Route.extend({
markdownResolver: service(),
model({ path }) {
// We had to handle removing the slash that we need for pulling static html from most servers
const withoutSlash = !path.endsWith('/') ? path : path.slice(0, -1);
return this.markdownResolver.file('blog', withoutSlash);
You might notice, we have some extra logic to remove slashes from the path. We want to enforce routes having a trailing slash because most static servers like having the slash to pull the index.html for each route automatically. Without the slash you will get a redirect to the slash most times. This is a common thing we need to handle in several places.
Displaying Formatted Markdown and Code Syntax Highlighting
With this simple setup, we are now pulling in the data from the markdown, but we need a way to display this in a meaningful way. For this we will be using ember-cli-showdown and ember-prism.
ember install ember-cli-showdown
ember install ember-prism
I use the markdown front matter to define a slug for the posts, which is the same as the name of the markdown file, so we can link to it. I also supply titles, authors, and any other data that makes sense. For example the front matter for this post is:
authorId: Robert Wagner
authorId: RobbieTheWagner
date: 2018-04-04
slug: static-blogs-with-prember-and-markdown
tags: ember, fastboot, static, prember, prerender, blog, ghost, markdown
title: Static Blogs with Prember and Markdown
To display the list of blog posts we will simply each through the model
provided in the blog index route.
// templates/blog/index.hbs or a component for the menu etc
{{#each posts as |post|}}
<box fit class='blog-post'>
<div class='attribution'>
{{moment-format 'LL'}}
In the blog post route, we simply want to pass the content to showdown. I personally do some displaying of the author, and author image, the date of the post, etc. but the only requirement is to pass the markdown to showdown.
{{markdown-to-html content}}
We should now have the markdown for the post displayed! ember-prism
should be
automatically doing syntax highlighting of code blocks placed in markdown, but
it may require some additional language config. You will also likely want to
copy over some styles to make things look nice. The markup will be unstyled from
showdown, but you can borrow styles from your favorite markdown rendering site,
like Ghost, GitHub, etc.
Prember Route Generation
The final step is to install Prember and make sure it knows about these routes we have created.
ember install prember
I have a simple function I use to generate the route paths to pass to Prember from our markdown.
function buildPremberUrls() {
// Build prember urls
const urls = [
const { extname } = require('path');
const walkSync = require('walk-sync');
const paths = walkSync('app/blog');
const mdFiles = paths
.filter((path) => extname(path) === '.md')
.map((path) => {
const stripMD = path.replace(/\.md/, '');
return `/blog/${stripMD}/`;
mdFiles.forEach((file) => {
return urls;
This defines our routes that we are always sure will remain the same, and then
looks at our markdown files to generate the other routes. This ensures, when we
add new markdown files, the new routes are automatically pulled into Prember.
Prember only runs in production or when you run PREMBER=true ember s
. You may
need to also install prember-middleware
and ember-cli-fastboot
, but please
refer to the most up to date instructions in the
Prember README.
Next Steps
This was just the initial implementation, but I will follow up with further posts to improve upon this functionality, by doing things like:
- Offline support with service workers
- Forcing trailing slashes for routes
- Maintaining scroll position with
- Defining meta and tags similar to Ghost
- Further SEO and structured data tweaks
Thanks for reading! I hope this helps, and stay tuned for the followup posts!