Launch and scale faster and more securely with cloud-native applications

All about Cloud Native

Cloud-native development is a methodology for building and running scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments. This platform-agnostic approach gives you flexibility so you don’t have to work with one vendor (such as AWS or Azure) and provides engineering teams with tools to set up a clear, effective software delivery pipeline so they can deliver battle-tested, secure solutions faster.
If you’re working on developing cloud-native applications or would like to explore the value they could bring to your team and customers, look no further. Our cloud-native specialists can help you build efficient and effective products today, lay a solid foundation for the future, and upskill your team so they can continue making positive progress long after our engagement ends.

Ship Shape’s engineering staff prefers using a cloud-native approach because of its:

  • Fast, transparent software delivery cycle

  • Ability to deliver value to customers even faster

  • Tested, safe, and secure deployment

  • Rapid scalability

We’ll never leave you high and dry

Ship Shape is committed to leaving every engineering team we work with better than we found it. Not only do we build robust, reliable software, but we also train your staff along the way to understand, maintain, and improve your product after our engagement ends.

We ❤️ the Developer Community

We’re a team of makers who are passionate about improving software products and the people who create them.